

Recent Highlights

  • Oct. 2024: 校企合作项目“基于深度强化学习的嵌入式泵组调度算法研发”获得立项. avatar
  • Aug. 2024: 校企合作项目“工业定检大模型及知识图谱设计”获得立项. avatar
  • Aug. 2024: 校企合作项目“农产数据知识图谱和大语言模型”获得立项. avatar
  • Jul. 2024: 沈航应邀担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Blockchain (IF 1.9)副编辑(Associate Editor). avatar
  • Jul. 2024: Congrats!!! 周妍婧同学的论文”Blockchain-Assisted Cross-silo Graph Federated Learning for Network Intrusion Detection”被IEEE区块链学会旗舰会议IEEE Global Blockchain Conference (GBC)以长文形式录用. avatar
  • Jul. 2024: Congrats!!! 张贝宁同学的论文”Monero Covert Communication-Enhanced Collaboration for Privacy-Preserving Queries”被IEEE区块链学会旗舰会议IEEE Global Blockchain Conference (GBC)以长文形式录用. avatar
  • Jul. 2024: 沈航应邀担任CCF推荐国际会议IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)的TPC成员. avatar
  • May 2024: Congrats!!! 张贝宁同学的硕士学位论文“基于区块链的协作查询隐私保护方法研究”被答辩委员会推荐为“优秀研究生论文”. avatar
  • May 2024: Congrats!!! 朱天赐同学的毕设论文“CPU-GPU异构计算平台上稀疏矩阵乘性能优化研究”被推荐为“优秀本科毕业论文”. avatar
  • May 2024: Congrats!!! 张羽同学的论文“Task Partitioning and Scheduling Based on Stochastic Policy Gradient in Mobile Crowdsensing ”被国际著名期刊IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems以长文形式录用. avatar
  • May 2024: Congrats!!! 张贝宁同学的论文“Invisible Man: Blockchain-enabled peer-to-peer collaborative privacy games in LBSs”被CCF推荐SCI期刊Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications录用. avatar
  • Feb. 2024: Congrats!!! 张贝宁同学的论文“Consortium Blockchain-Based Secure Cross-Operator V2V Video Content Distribution”被CCF推荐SCI期刊Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications录用. avatar
  • Jan. 2024: Congrats!!! 刘宇同学的论文“Vehicle Counting in UAV Images: An Adaptive Approach with Spatial Attention and Multi-Scale Receptive Fields” 被SCI期刊ETRI Journal录用. avatar
  • Jan. 2024: 沈航应邀担任SCI期刊Journal of Information Processing Systems(IF 0.8)副编辑(Associate Editor). avatar
  • Nov. 2023: Congrats!!! 李芳同学的论文“Pre-trained Language Model-Enhanced Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Intrusion Detection”被CCF推荐SCI期刊Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications录用. avatar
  • Oct. 2023: Congrats!!! 童子源同学的论文“UAV-Relay-Assisted Live Layered Video Multicast for Cell-Edge Users in NOMA Networks”被IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting(中科院计算机科学一区Top期刊)以长文形式录用. avatar
  • May 2023: Congrats!!! 童子源同学的硕士学位论文“无人机辅助的NOMA无线网络弹性视频多播机制研究”被答辩委员会推荐为“优秀研究生论文”. avatar
  • May 2023: Congrats!!! 田一博同学的论文“Slicing-Based Task Offloading in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks”被计算机网络领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(CCF推荐A类国际期刊)以长文形式录用. avatar
  • Apr. 2023: Congrats!!! 殷珉同学的论文“基于分层联邦学习的无人机小基站RAN切片方法”被电子学报(CCF推荐A类中文期刊)录用. avatar
  • Jan. 2023: 横向项目“领域知识图谱构建和应用系统研发”获得立项. avatar
  • Nov. 2022: Congrats!!! 刘鑫同学的论文“Blockchain-Enabled Solution for Secure and Scalable V2V Video Content Dissemination”被CCF推荐SCI期刊Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications录用.
  • Nov. 2022: 沈航获得“中国特种设备检测协会科学技术二等奖” (排名第三).
  • Jun. 2022: 朱唯周同学的毕设论文“面向入侵检测的生成式对抗网络构建方法”被推荐为“优秀本科毕业论文”.
  • Jun. 2022: Congrats!!! 童子源同学的论文“Joint Resource Optimization for NOMA Enhanced SVC Multicast in UAV-Assisted Radio Access Networks”被SCI期刊ETRI Journal录用.
  • Apr. 2022: Congrats!!! 衡奕龙同学的论文“Drone-Small-Cell-Assisted Spectrum Management for 5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks”被CCF推荐国际会议IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)以长文形式录用.
  • Jan. 2022: 东方航空-空铁一体化路由计算引擎v1.0(支持高并发和算力按需调度)开发完成.
  • Jan. 2022: 东方航空联运网络优化(二期)项目–路由算法验证启动.
  • Nov. 2021: 东方航空联运网络优化(一期)项目–空铁一体化动态路由计算引擎研发启动.
  • Nov. 2021: 沈航的成果“基于网络切片的5G电力物联网关键技术研究及应用”获得“中国电力联合会科技创新二等奖” (排名第三).
  • Aug. 2021: “大规模网络攻防关键技术研究”项目获得资助并启动.
  • Aug. 2021: “网络安全态势感知与智能分析技术研究”项目获得资助并启动.
  • Jul. 2021: 课题组同学获得中国高校网络技术挑战赛华东区二等奖和三等奖各1项.
  • Jun. 2021: 沈航被江苏省计算机学会评为2020年度先进个人会员.
  • May 2021: Dr. Hang Shen is invited to serve as a TPC member of the 18th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST2021).
  • May 2021: 我们的论文“ Drone-Small-Cell-Assisted Resource Slicing for 5G Uplink Radio Access Networks”被知名国际期刊《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》录用.
  • Dec. 2020: 沈航获得“中国仪器仪表学会科技进步二等奖”(排名第五).
  • Sep. 2020: 沈航当选中国计算机学会(CCF)高级会员.
  • Sep. 2020: 课题组同学获得中国高校网络技术挑战赛华东区三等奖.
  • Jul. 2020: 沈航应邀担任SCI期刊IEEE Access副编辑(Associate Editor).
  • Jun. 2020: 沈航应邀担任SCI期刊Mathematical Problems in Engineering编委(Academic Editor).
  • Jun. 2020: 沈航获得江苏省自然科学基金面上项目立项.
  • Jun. 2020: Congrats!!! 顾伊人同学被评为南工优秀毕业研究生.
  • Nov. 2019: 沈航入选“南工英才”优秀青年科技创新人才计划.
  • Nov. 2019: Congrats!! 顾伊人同学获得国家奖学金.
  • Jun. 2019: 沈航入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划.
  • Jun. 2019: Congrats!!! 顾一鸣同学被评为南工优秀毕业研究生.
  • Jun. 2019: Congrats!!! 李伶俐的同学学位论文被评为南工优秀硕士学位论文.
  • May 2019: 顾伊人同学的论文”QoI-Aware Incentive for Multimedia Crowdsensing Enabled Learning System”被Multimedia Systems(CCF推荐国际期刊)录用.
  • May 2019: 徐佳佳同学在IEEE通信学会旗舰会议IEEE ICC报告研究工作.
  • Mar. 2019: 我们的论文被SCI期刊Wireless Personal Communications录用.
  • Feb. 2019: 我们的论文被IEEE ICC(CCF推荐国际会议)录用.
  • Feb. 2019: 我们的稿件 “Urban Big Data” 被《Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks》采用.
  • Jan. 2019: 我们的论文“P2TA: Privacy-Preserving Task Allocation for Edge Computing Enhanced Mobile Crowdsensing”被Journal of Systems Architecture(计算机体系结构领域国际著名期刊)录用.
  • Dec. 2018: 我们的稿件 “privacy game” 被《Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks》采用.
  • Jul. 2018: 我们的论文“ QoS-Guaranteed Wireless Broadcast Scheduling with Network Coding and Rate Adaptation”被知名国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology录用.
  • Jun. 2018: The Special Issue “Fog/Edge Networking for Multimedia Applications” we applied for is accepted in Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (CCF推荐国际期刊).
  • Jul. 2018: 胡煜家同学的论文被CCF推荐国际会议以长文形式录用.
  • Jul. 2018: 顾伊人同学的论文被CCF推荐国际会议以长文形式录用.
  • May 2018: 沈航获得计算机科学与技术学院青年教师授课大赛一等奖.


沈航,博士、副教授、硕导,入选“江苏省六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划、“南工英才”优秀青年科技创新人才计划、“南工科技人才”培育计划。毕业于南京理工大学(优秀博士毕业生/优秀博士学位论文/博士生国奖获得者),师从白光伟教授、唐振民教授。曾在加拿大滑铁卢大学电子与计算机工程系BBCR实验室担任全职博士后研究员,师从Weihua Zhuang教授(加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士、IEEE Fellow)。

主要研究车联网、网络安全、AI大模型等。以第一作者在IEEE TMC、IEEE TBC、IEEE TVT、IEEE ICC等著名国际期刊和会议发表论文20余篇;指导学生发表论文110余篇。参编学术专著《Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks》;授权国家发明专利30余件。主持国家自然科学基金和省自然科学基金项目3项,厅级项目2项,国家/省重点实验室开放课题3项,横向项目5项。获得2022年中国特种设备检测协会科学技术二等奖 (排名第三),2021年中国电力联合会科技创新二等奖 (排名第三),2020年中国仪器仪表学会科技进步二等奖 (排名第五),2016年南京市自然科学优秀论文奖 (排名第一),2011年江苏省网络与云计算会议优秀论文奖 (排名第一)。现任Frontiers in Blockchain (IF 1.9)、Journal of Information Processing Systems (IF 0.8)和IEEE Access (IF 3.4)、等国际期刊的副编辑 (Associate Editor),曾任CCF推荐国际期刊Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications客座编委 (Guest Editor)。担任2024 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)和2021 Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST)的程序委员会成员。沈航是CCF高级会员,CCF网络与数据通信专委会、CCF物联网专委会委员,CAAI会员、ACM南京分会执委,IEEE计算机学会/通信学会/车载技术会员。曾获计算机学院青年教师授课大赛一等奖。

指导学生获得国家奖学金/优秀毕业研究生/优秀硕士学位论文/优秀本科毕业论文。所指导的研究生就职于顶级IT企业 (包括:华为(南京、上海、深圳、武汉)研究所、中兴通讯、大疆、展锐、海康、大华、华勤、德州仪器、微软、爱立信、诺基亚、三星研究院等) 和科技金融机构 (包括:微众银行、南京证券、中国银行等) 或在知名高校攻读博士论文。

Hang Shen received the Ph.D. degree with honors in Computer Science from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He worked as a Full-Time Postdoctoral Fellow under the supervision of Prof. Weihua Zhuang (IEEE Fellow) in the Broadband Communications Research (BBCR) Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Canada from 2018 to 2019. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing Tech University in Nanjing, China. His research interests include space-air-ground integrated networks, cybersecurity, and blockchain. He has published papers in prestigious journals and conferences including IEEE TMC, IEEE TBC, IEEE TVT, IEEE TCSS, and IEEE ICC. He serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Information Processing Systems, Frontiers in Blockchain, and IEEE Access and was a Guest Editor for Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications. He serves/served as a TPC member of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) and the 2021 Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). He is a CCF Senior Member, a member of CAAI and IEEE, and an Executive Committee member of the ACM Nanjing Chapter.

He has supervised students who received national scholarships, outstanding graduate student awards, outstanding master’s thesis awards, and outstanding undergraduate thesis awards. Graduates from my research group are employed at top IT companies (including Huawei Nanjing/Shanghai/Shenzhen/Wuhan Research Institutes, DJI, Hikvision, Dahua, Microsoft, Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung Electronics Research Institute, etc.) and fintech institutions (including WeBank, Nanjing Securities, Bank of China, etc.) or pursued PhD degrees.

Contact Info

Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University
Addr: 30 South Puzhu Road, 79 Box, Nanjing, China, 211816
Email: hshen@njtech.edu.cn, helloshenhang@gmail.com

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